Spring Transformations
Awakened Mind Retreat and Workshop

Donna Bach, N.D.

Donna comes from five generations of healers. She received her degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 1974 and brings over 30 years of experience to her practice of natural healing modalities. She has several decades experience in herbalism, homeopathy, nutrition, most forms of massages therapy and body work, and extensive experience with Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing for healing. She is an international speaker and group facilitator. She is also a Sundoor certified firewalk instructor and a HAI intern.

Gary Groesbeck, BCIAC Fellow

Gary has taught biofeedback for stress management at Columbia College for over fifteen years. He has over 25,000 hrs of private practice in biofeedback education for pain and stress management. Over the past forty years he has practiced several forms of meditation including TM and Taoist nei gung. He has studied Paul St. John Neuromuscular Therapy as an aid to his biofeedback practice. Currently he is focusing on the use of Awakened Mind coaching for optimal performance and spiritual development, in conjunction with Heart Math and EFT.

Both Gary and Donna are certified Awakened Mind Trainers and have worked extensively with Anna Wise as assistant trainers for the Awakened Mind at various workshops including Esalen, Palm Spring’s Winter Brain Conference, and other training sessions.

They teach a regular class in Awakened Mind development at Columbia College, and Gary teaches Awakened Mind meditation as a part of the Stress Management curriculum.