Cost & Logistics
Spring Transformations
Awakened Mind Retreat and Workshop

This retreat will be held on April 8-9th. Starting at 9:00am Saturday and ending 5:00pm Sunday.

We will be providing you with the atmosphere and quality of an Esalen Institute type workshop.


The cost for this special workshop is $200 (discounted from $250).


No special clothing is required but wear something comfortable.

Lunch potluck and snacks will be provided or we could eat out for dinner for those who want to stay overnight on Saturday.


Space is limited for the sleepovers, let us know who needs to stay. The maximum size of the group is limited to 21.

Please contact us for more information and to sign up for this fun and futuristic weekend!

Contact info for Donna Bach

Contact info for Gary Groesbeck

$50 will reserve your place

$200 is the full tuition